PsychedCatholic » Where Catholics and psychology come together

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                          IMG_0882 (2)This  guest post is written by a beautiful, courageous, intelligent, witty and wise-beyond-her-years girl named Natalie.  In her words, she is a “Catholic home-schooled 16-year-old who loves St. Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body, Jane Austen, books, good coffee, Batman, a good laugh, and pranking her friends!”


                          shadowsock rAs a teen girl growing up in a body-obsessed culture, I can say in all honesty that I have really felt the effects of it. Airbrushed models, celebrities with “perfect bodies,” and weight loss commercials are constantly blared at me from TV, store ads, and billboards. As a young girl viewing this twisted idea of beauty, I now realize, as I reflect, that it has had a great impression on me, and consequently the life of everyone around me. Continue reading »

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                          Show Hide 3 comments
                          • August 23, 2015 - 3:07 pm

                            Kate Breuninger - Delighted to see a new post from Psyched Catholic.
                            Thanks, Natalie, for being God’s magnificent instrument and, through your experience, shedding God’s light and love with so many tormented by this disorder!!ReplyCancel

                          • August 23, 2015 - 9:02 pm

                            Barbara G Barrett - Missed your articles very much!
                            Natalie, you are God`s instrument…and may you continue to be a source of inspiration to those women who need you. I wish there had been someone like you with me when I became anorexic…it was all consuming torment. Somehow through God`s grace, I survived. God bless you always. NanaReplyCancel

                          • April 24, 2016 - 7:23 pm

                            Abigail - Not to trivialize the importance of spirituality, but taking a purely “psychological” view of these disorders is just as ineffective as taking a purely materialistic view.

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                            The underlying problem for all of these disorders is damaged gut flora and permeable intestines. The good news is the body and mind can heal if given the opportunity and materials to do so.Replyshadowdsocksr安装